Модальные глаголы may и might 1


Изучите следующую ситуацию:

Вы ищете Боба. Никто не знает наверняка где он, но вот вам дают некоторые предположения:

He might be having luncheon.

= возможно, он обедает.

Мы используем may или might, когда говорим, что что-то возможно. Как правило, вы можете использовать may или might, поэтому вы можете сказать:

  • It may be true.или Information technology might be true. (= возможно, это правда.)
  • She might know.или She may know.

Отрицательными формами являются may not и might not (или mightn't):

  • It may non be true. (= возможно, это не правда)
  • She might not work here any more. (= возможно, она здесь не работает)

Изучите структуру этих предложений:

I/you lot/he (etc.) may
(not) be (true / in his office etc.)
be (doing / working / having etc.)
know / work / want etc.


В прошедшем времени мы используем may have (washed) или might take (done):

  • A: I wonder why Kate didn't respond the phone.
    B: She may have been asleep. (= возможно, она спала)
  • A: I can't discover my handbag anywhere.
    B: You might have left it in the shop. (= возможно, ты оставила ее в магазине)
  • A: I was surprised that Kate wasn't at the meeting yesterday.
    B: She might not have known about information technology. (= возможно, она не знала)
  • A: I wonder why David was in such a bad mood yesterday.
    B: He may not accept been feeling well. (= возможно, он плохо себя чувствовал)

Структура этих предложений:

I/you/he (etc.) may
(not) have been (asleep / at home etc.)
been (practiceing / working / feeling etc.)
known / had / wanted / left etc.


Could схож may и might:

  • It'south a strange story, just it could be true. (= it may/might be true)
  • You could have left your pocketbook in the shop. (= yous may/might have left information technology)

Но couldn't отличается от may not и might non. Сравните:

  • Sarah couldn't accept got my message. Otherwise she would accept replied.
    (= не может быть, что она получила моё сообщение)
  • I wonder why Sarah hasn't replied to my message. I suppose she might non have got it.
    (= может быть, она получила, а может и нет)


1. Перепишите эти предложения, используя might.

  1. Perhaps Helen is in her part.
  2. Perhaps Helen is busy.
  3. Perchance she is working.
  4. Perhaps she wants to be alone.
  5. Maybe she was ill yesterday.
  6. Perhaps she went home early.
  7. Maybe she had to get home early on.
  8. Peradventure she was working yesterday.
  9. Key

    В предложениях nine-11 используйте might not.

  10. Mayhap she doesn't want to see me.
  11. Perhaps she isn't working today.
  12. Perhaps she wasn't feeling well yesterday.


2. Закончите каждое предложение глаголом в правильной форме.

  1. 'Where's Sam?' 'I'thousand not sure. He might lunch.'
  2. 'Who is that homo with Emily?' 'I'm not certain. It might her blood brother.'
  3. A: Who was the man we saw with Anna yesterday?
    B: I'm not sure. Information technology may her brother.
  4. A: What are those people doing past the side of the route?
    В: I don't know. They might for a bus.
  5. 'Exercise you have a postage stamp?' 'No, merely ask Simon. He may i.'


3. Прочитайте ситуацию и составьте предложения из слов в скобках, используя might.

  1. I can't find Jeff anywhere. I wonder where he is.
    a (he / become / shopping)

    b (he / play / tennis)
  2. I'chiliad looking for Sarah. Do y'all know where she is?
    a (she / lookout man / Boob tube / in her room)

    b (she / go / out)
  3. I can't find my umbrella. Accept y'all seen it?
    a (it / be / in the car)

    b (you / leave / in the restaurant terminal night)
  4. Why didn't Dave answer the doorbell? I'thou sure he was at home at the time.
    a (he / go / to bed early)

    b (he / non / hear / the doorbell)

    c (he / exist / in the shower)


4. Закончите предложения, используя might not accept ... или couldn't have ... .

  1. A: Do you call up Sarah got the message we sent her?
    B: No, she would have contacted us.
  2. A: I was surprised Kate wasn't at the meeting. Perhaps she didn't know near it.
    B: That'south possible.
  3. A: I wonder why they never replied to our letter. Exercise y'all think they received it?
    B: Perchance non. They ...
  4. A: I wonder how the burn started. Was it an accident?
    B: No, the police say it ...
  5. A: Mike says he needs to come across you. He tried to find you yesterday.
    B: Well, he very hard. I was in my office all mean solar day.
  6. A: The man yous spoke to - are you lot sure he was American?
    B: No, I'thousand not sure. He ...
