Connect Classroom to your SIS

This article is for administrators. Teachers, get here.

If your student information system (Sister) is currently integrated with Classroom through 1 Roster API, y'all tin connect Classroom to your SIS. After you ready up the connectedness, teachers can link their classes and export grades to Sister.

Important: Sister export is available for these partners:

  • Infinite Campus users with the Campus Learning License
  • Skyward version 2.0 users with the LMS API license
  • Follett Aspen users of version 6.ii or to a higher place

Customer support is only bachelor for customers using a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that your Sis provider fully hosts and manages.

Learn more than about SIS grade consign availability. Other Sis partnerships are in development.

To connect, you need this information from your Sis partner:

  • Host URL
  • Admission fundamental
  • Secret lawmaking

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Connect Classroom to your Sister

Follow instructions for your Sis.

Connect Classroom to Space Campus


You can connect Classroom to Infinite Campus if you lot:

  • Use Space Campus with a Campus Learning License.
  • Apply a SaaS solution that Infinite Campus fully hosts and manages.

Google is unable to provide support if yous're a commune that runs:

  • Infinite Campus software through on-bounds deployment.
  • Cloud deployments not managed directly by Space Campus, such every bit virtual machines in AWS/GCP.

Administrators with questions about initial setup in the Space Campus portal can contact:

  • Non-authorized Campus support
  • Authorized Campus support

Stride 1: Get your OAuth credentials

  1. Sign in to your Infinite Campus system administrator page.
  2. Search for and select Digital Learning Applications.
  3. Click Add together application.
  4. Under Browse Applications, click Google Classroom.
  5. Optional: If Scan Applications don't appear, check your Campus Learning license:
    • Search and select Campus Learning Licensing and then In the upper-right corner, check your license status.
    • If you don't have a license, you can request a 1-fourth dimension, 45-day provisional license.
    • If you lot have the license just still tin can't generate credentials, contact Campus Support.
  6. Under Edit Google Classroom, next to "OneRoster ane.1 connections," click Add "".
  7. Click Generate New OneRoster one.i Credentials and then document these OAuth credentials to use in the next pace:
    • Consumer primal (OAuth key)
    • Consumer secret (OAuth hush-hush)
    • OneRoster Base URL (Host URL)

Step 2: Connect Classroom

  1. Go to
  2. Next to "Select your SIS," click the Down arrow ""and then select your SIS.
  3. Click Connect to Google.

Connect to Google

  1. Nether "Sis Setup," click Connect.
  2. Enter the OAuth credentials y'all recorded in pace 1, above:
    • Host URL
    • Admission primal
    • Hugger-mugger code

Authorize SIS

  1. Click Qualify.
    Tip: If you get an error, refresh the page.
  2. Under "Teacher permissions," bank check the box side by side to "Enable classwork and grade exporting."
    Tip: If you uncheck the box, teachers can't link their classes or export grades. If you make any changes to "Instructor permissions," click Relieve.

If you take trouble with your Space Campus setup, contact:

  • Non-authorized Campus back up
  • Authorized Campus support

Connect Classroom to Skyward


You tin can connect Classroom to Skyward if y'all:

  • Are a school district that uses Skyward version 2.0 with the LMS API license.
  • Use a SaaS solution that Skyward fully hosts and manages.

You tin't connect Classroom to Skyward if your district runs:

  • Skyward'south software in its ain data-center.
  • A non-Sis provider, such as AWS/GCP.

On-premises customers can use SIS integration, just tin can't employ Google support.

For questions about initial setup in the Skyward portal, contact your Customer Support Squad at Skyward.

Step 1. Prepare up Google equally a OneRoster Partner Vendor and get your OAuth credentials

  1. On the Skyward Product Setup folio, under "System," click Product Setup (PS) and thenContact Access (CA).
  2. Under "Security" (SE) and "Subgroup Users" (U.s.), select Secured User (SU) and then click Add.
  3. Nether "Add Secured User," select the name type tracked for vendors and then Enter a proper noun for Google. For case, enter the system name as Google.

Tip: Annotation the proper name for use in a afterward footstep.

  1. To continue, click Add together Entered Name to Secured Users.
  2. Nether "Security Information," click Account Information. The login "GOOGLE" is the API Key.
  3. Click Save.
  4. In the Secured Users List, find the proper name yous entered in pace iii higher up:
    • Bank check that the name is listed equally an Active Secured User (Y).
    • In the lower-correct corner, click API.
  5. In the API Admission window, click Generate a New Hugger-mugger. Notation the key and clandestine. This data, along with the API URL, is used to connect to Classroom.
  6. After the new surreptitious is generated, return to your Skyward Product Setup page. Become to "Product Setup"(PS)and then "Contact Access" (CA) and then "District Setup" (DS) and then "Configuration" (CF) and then select API Configuration (AP).
  7. Document the Awarding URL and Authentication URL. This information is unique to your district. If the Application URL field is blank, contact Skyward Support.

Tip: Your OneRoster API URL is equal to the Awarding URL unique to your district and the OneRoster Endpoint (ever /ims/oneroster/v1p1/). For example:

Instance Awarding URL:
Official OneRoster Endpoint: /ims/oneroster/v1p1/
Example OneRoster API URL:

  1. Nether "OneRoster API Line Item Configuration," gear up "Default Category" to Assignments, or select another choice.
    Tip: The Default Category populates in the Skyward gradebook for assignments exported from Classroom. If there is no Default Category in the list, contact Skyward Support.
  2. Certificate the following OAuth credentials for Classroom to employ in the side by side footstep:
    • Key (Access key)
    • Clandestine (Secret code)
    • OneRoster API URL (Host URL)
  3. Click Save.

Step 2: Connect Classroom

  1. Go to
  2. Next to "Select your Sis," click the Down arrow ""and then select your Sis.
  3. Click Connect to Google.

Connect to Google

  1. Under "SIS Setup," click Connect.
  2. Enter the OAuth credentials you recorded in stride 1, above:
    • Host URL
    • Access cardinal
    • Clandestine code

Authorize SIS

  1. Click Qualify.
    Tip: If y'all get an fault, refresh the page.
  2. Under "Teacher permissions," cheque the box next to "Enable classwork and grade exporting."
    Tip: If you lot uncheck the box, teachers can't link their classes or consign grades. If you make any changes to "Teacher permissions," click Salve.

Connect Classroom to Aspen


Your school district can connect Classroom to Aspen if you:

  • Use Follett Aspen version 6.2 or higher up
  • Utilise a SaaS solution that is fully hosted and managed by Follett Aspen

Administrators with questions about initial setup for Aspen can:

  • Contact your school commune'south authorized Sister ambassador
  • Contact Aspen Technical Support. See Pando for more data.

Pace 1: Get your OAuth credentials

  1. Sign in to Pando as an Aspen Administrator.
  2. In the left-paw navigation, nether "Integration," click Google Classroom.
  3. Follow the configuration instructions provided in the help manufactures in Pando.
  4. Make a annotation of your client identifier and client secret key, every bit you'll demand them when setting up class consign in Google Classroom.

Step 2: Connect Classroom

  1. Go to
  2. Next to "Select your Sister," click the Down arrow ""and then select your Sister.
  3. Click Connect to Google.

Connect to Google

  1. Under "SIS Setup," click Connect.
  2. Enter the OAuth credentials y'all recorded in pace one, above:
    • Host URL
    • Access key
    • Surreptitious lawmaking

Authorize SIS

  1. Click Authorize.
    Tip: If yous get an fault, refresh the page.
  2. Under "Teacher permissions," cheque the box adjacent to "Enable classwork and grade exporting."
    Tip: If you uncheck the box, teachers can't link their classes or consign grades. If you lot make any changes to "Instructor permissions," click Relieve.

Complete other tasks

Change teacher permissions for grade consign

Past default, teacher permissions plow on when you lot connect Classroom to your Sister. If you plough off teacher permissions, teachers can't link their classes or export grades to the SIS.

  1. Go to
  2. To let teachers link classes and export grades, under "Teacher permissions," check the box next to "Enable classwork and grade exporting."
  3. If you change teacher permissions, click Save.

Disconnect Classroom from your SIS

If you disconnect Classroom from your SIS, teachers can't export grades. Previously exported data is saved, but won't be updated. If you lot reconnect to your SIS later, time to come grade exports might be duplicated in your SIS.

  1. Go to
  2. Under "Sister Setup", click Remove and then  Disconnect.

Check Sis partnership status

Sister Status
Infinite Campus Available to Infinite Campus users with a Campus Learning License. If you don't accept a Campus Learning License, delight contact your SIS back up to acquire more than.
Skyward 2.0 Bachelor for school districts that use Skyward version 2.0 with the LMS API license. If you lot don't take an LMS API license, delight contact your SIS support to acquire more.
Follett Aspen Available for school districts that employ Aspen version six.2 or above.
Capita SIMS Contact your Sister to learn more almost the integration.
Aeries Contact your Sister to acquire more nigh the integration.

Your Sister may non exist listed. We go on to partner with select OneRoster compliant Sister's. To limited interest in participating in a future pilot, please consummate the Grade export interest grade.

Of import: If you submit the course, this does non guarantee participation or integration.

Check SaaS eligibility

SIS grade export is available for the described Sister-providers, simply information technology'south supported for customers who employ a SaaS solution that is fully hosted and managed past their Sister provider. For other deployment configurations, our service is best-effort based on the documentation we provide in our Help Heart.

You tin check if your SIS is supported. Notice out if your SIS deployment is managed by the Sis provider and located in the SIS-provider's own cloud environs.

If you're unsure:

  • Teachers: Reach out to your ambassador.
  • Administrators: Reach out to your Sis back up.

Related articles

  • Export grades to your SIS (for teachers)
  • Troubleshoot Sister course consign (for teachers)
  • FAQ for Sister course export

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